Why does the site ask me to login when i try to hit play?
Thank you for the report. Fixed. Oh, address issue.
Why does the site ask me to login when i try to hit play?
Thank you for the report. Fixed. Oh, address issue.
Why is there a yogscast song part of your playlist,
this music hurts my ears man
Added it years ago, yeah, I agree with you, removed. The playlist demands a clean up for sure. Thanks.
Здравствуйте, читатель. Вы ждёте своей смерти? Хотя... В противном случае это не имеет значения, потому что вы все равно умрёте
Hello to the reader. Are you waiting for your death? Though... It doesn't matter otherwise, because you're going to die anyway
Здравствуйте, читатель. Вы ждёте своей смерти? Хотя... В противном случае это не имеет значения, потому что вы все равно умрёте
Hello to the reader. Are you waiting for your death? Though... It doesn't matter otherwise, because you're going to die anyway
came for the cat pics
o, you wrote that you understand ukrainian, but you are true Moscow guy, that eat from the bucket of the huylo's propaganda. I hope you will understand it: Пішов ти на хуй, йобаний москаль, дарма ти написав своє ім'я, дарма.
Love from Italy, also your cat is cute :)
can you teach us some computer languages like C and ruby wish you best stay well ❤️
во нармас
четки сает на конецто
как самто
чё делайте ем
пасту с
щя драчить буду на
письки красныи детцкии с
роздроженье на
сперми многа
Пиздец, с кем меня в один Интернет посадили...
waaaaa now i also wanna build a eepysite how do i do itttt
awesome website
Hey! I just stumbled upon this when looking through identiguy.i2p, and your website is really cool! I see that you have a whole Touhou game collection listed here too, which is nice as well. Anyway, I hope you're doing alright, and I wish you the best. This is definitely one of the best eepsites. Take care :)
почему нет русской версии главной. Неужели так трудно. Ктому же это не патриатично!
за Z уважуха, так держать!
Что-то аж ком к горлу подступил от стыда. :) Ну вот лениво мне было даже думать о том, чтобы вести сайт на двух языках, а вот про, хотя бы, пару абзацев на русском на главной, я даже и не думал. Либо всё, либо ничего. Надо-надо. Мда.
Хохлы за всё ответят. Даже за то, в чём и не виноваты. В первые же дни, как только пошла поебень с рассылкой фотографий трупов у меня жалость резко упала, а после дальнейших событий... Всё. Жаль только тех немногих адекватов, что там застряли вместе с хохлами.
What a positively charming site, an a charming author!
I am a dog, bark bark!
Cool site, hope life is going well for ya.
-(@ @)-
found this on notbob's list, sending my regards!
База eepsite. Спасиб за Battletoads и песни.
Пожалуйста. :)
awesome website!
Good spot, thanks for the zines
Вибирай життя. Викликай Волгу.
Jews are fucking up the world! White nations should wake and unite!
Looks pretty cool! Great job bro.
what software do you use to setup your online radio? I would like setup my own when I get my website up and running.
Currently use a self-written solution for playlist managing (just one playlist at the moment, but could be easily extended) and a simple listeners statistics. Then Ezstream takes song by song from there and streams audio to Icecast. Listeners statistics is being updated using Icecast's listener authentication. There are listener_add and listener_remove options.
Before that a Liquidsoap was used. But it failed to play most of audio files for no known reason. Its logs said nothing on why it was constantly reloading a playlist.
And, it is relatively heavy on CPU (23-25%) and memory (hmm, don't remember, but something like over 100MB), unlike Ezstream which constantly reports 0% CPU utilization and occupies just 9MB of RAM. But Ezstream is just about streaming OGG files to Icecast. No functionality for live shows, audio files only.
Take a look at my radio source code, configs, scripts: https://git.arav.su/Arav/dwelling-radio
Хороший сайт
nice website
Found your site off Shodan.io its very neat, I might follow in your footsteps.
Hmm, heh. Welcome!
number 60! have a great day!
\m/ Hope your day's great too!
never mind. the clear web link seems to be down as well.
very nice site!! great job. definetly going to bookmark this site much love from Canada.! :) everything on the site seems to work good over i2p except the radio station. it was loading fine at first but then started having issues with it buffering.. now it wont load at all will try again later. and it seems to be just the i2p stream because the (tor link) and (clear web link.)works really well and no issues with the radio.
HI! Thank you, appreciate that. :)
Speaking of problems you faced, well, still no issues was noticed over i2p for over 32 minutes, and neither do clearnet have any. Will be watching. Looks like a classical "works on my machine" situation. xD Dunno what happens, cause logs don't give any clues, everything looks perfectly fine, I have a radio restarted maybe it will help.
There was another issue reported about my file share that some files weren't accessible, but I could open them perfectly fine. Like this time, I've tested it from my PC and phone. Well...
UPD: Hmm, and 10 minutes since I wrote this post the radio suddenly stopped working on I2P, stop/start in an i2p console fixed this. Hmm...
i2p rocks \m/
\m/ Always had lesser headache with it. Even less than with clearnet, lol. \m/
erm what the deuce
What? Is something looks wrong to your taste? :)
Why are you not mobilised yet?
With my category of fitness I will be mobilised only during the general moblisation. I didn't serve in the army due to health conditions.
P.S.: mobilisation isn't going since 31 October.
Hi Arav, nice eepSite you have. Already bookmarked! Yeah. Thanks for creating content to the network :-) best regards Cosmo
Hi! Glad to read that. :)
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Heya from i2p! Happened upon your website while searching for eepsite lists and happened upon yours. Cute little setup you have going~ cheers!
neat severs pal. i hope i can get to a level like that one day. how's life in russia, do you live in a city or small town?
regards, anon
Thanks. Wish you luck finding a good machine. :)
I live in the rather large city of Saratov. How's life here..? :) Let's say I don't complain much. :)
Hallo. :)
Proverka raz dva
Pssssh-pssssh. Slyshu vas otlichno! Pssh.
cool site, found on i2p, spent here like half an hour. cool stuff
i got here by searching the +NIGGER license on google its on the 1st page too thats pretty cool
cool site
holy shit your fucking captcha sucks ass
absolute aids cancer
Lel, definitely not the type of query I'd like my site to be found by. xD
Yeah, sometimes my captcha generates completely unreadable shit.xD But it does what it was created for. Finally, no spam. :)
Thank you for this eep. You have some good content my friend. Keep it up :)
Hey just want to say i really like your site.
Motivated me to make my own.
Also really digging the tunes, I crank your station most days
Keep up the good work!
Hi! Come back to give the link when you're ready!
I will. :)
[here was spam]
Is this captcha too easy for todays bots? Or... o_O You're doing this manually? O_O
ping :3
pong :3
Fun site! I enjoyed my journey through it.
I feel less bad about my server being an old, upside down laptop with a whiny fan I got as a gift now :D
Cheers from i2p!
You're welcome!
Hello from Denshi on i2p!
Hi! Welcome!
Based, burn witches
i eat ass
cheers to the only file sharing website on i2p!
Haha, yeah, I kek'd when saw this on notbob.i2p. :)
Cool website.
Easier on turns!
I honestly don't understand what are you trying to say. Is that some content here that bothers you? Just tell me, directly. :)
hello from the /tttt/ board
On your place I so did not do.